NJCIE Honors

We are looking for administrators, educators, and school staff who are going above and beyond to include students with disabilities.

Educators have always been and remain critically important to our work and the goal of ensuring all students receive a high-quality education that allows them to be both socially and academically successful should be honored.  In past years, honorees who have been chosen displayed an unwavering commitment to continually developing and modifying curriculum to include students successfully. Teams have been chosen for their dedication to continual improvement and effective co-teaching that affords them the ability to include all students. 

NJCIE is looking for dedicated advocates who are helping move schools toward more inclusive practices. We ask that you consider those around you or on your staff and nominate those educators or educational teams that exemplify high-quality instruction for all students. Any public school educator or teams of up to three members are eligible (paraprofessionals can be considered part of that team). 

The winning educators will participate in the development of a video about effective educational practices. They will receive free entry to the 2024 Summer Inclusion Leadership Conference and will also be asked to present at the conference. 

Submissions for NJCIE Honors 2024 are now closed.

Questions? Email info@allinforinclusiveed.org or call our office at (732) 613-0400 ext. 2.

Our Honorees

2024: Dr. David Jacobs, Mary Rose Pullo, and Rachael Graves

2023: Dr. Jessica Neu

2023: Alison Zylinski

2022: Arvin Arjona


2021: Magnolia Public School


2020: Michele Gardner


2019: Haddonfield Public Schools and Dr. Gino Priolo


2019: Catherine Zavacki and Anjana Iyer


2018: Alma Schneider


2018: Carolyn Garcia, Karen Rich, Temara King, Jacqueline Truesdale, and Maryann Curti


 2017: Joy Letts and Marie Christian


2016: Kate Stanton-Paule